ACNE: Adult Acne, Adult Acne Treatment – Simple Solutions, All Natural Acne Treatments
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Adult Acne, Adult Acne Treatment – Simple Solutions, All Natural Acne Treatments
Adult Acne
By: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Acne is bad enough when it strikes with puberty. But when it continues or strikes again in adulthood, it can be a real nuisance. Acne is a skin condition that usually begins around the time of puberty. More than eighty percent of teenagers and preteens will develop acne to some extent. But it can affect people of every age, gender, and race. It affects both males and females, but boys are more likely to have severe acne and to have acne that continues into adult acne.

The scientific name for the condition is acne vulgaris because acne usually strikes in plainly visible locations such as the face, neck, chest and back. Acne is an age old problem that has likely been plaguing people of all ages for centuries.

What Causes Adult Acne?

Acne is an inflammation of the skin that can form in adulthood just as easily as it forms in pubescence. Acne is caused by a number of factors. Contact with an oily substance such as mineral oil, vegetable oil, or petroleum is a common cause of acne, as is the use of certain medications and steroids. However, acne is most often cause by the secretion of androgens. Acne occurs most often to teens and preteens because these androgens are initially secreted at the onset of puberty. But these sex hormones are secreted into adulthood as well and can continue to cause problems with acne. Poor dietary habits and lack of exercise also contribute to adult acne.

Androgens are male sex hormones but they are secreted by females as well. Androgens stimulate the production of oil from the skin's oil glands. Acne occurs when these oil glands become overactive and the exit from the gland is blocked, causing the oil to build up in the gland and swell. A bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes normally colonizes this swollen gland causing the development of inflammation and pus. In particularly severe cases, the glands may burst into the skin and produce cysts.

How Do I Treat Adult Acne?

Over ninety percent of acne patients, both teens and adults, respond to treatment, although the treatment may need to be continued for months or even years. Here are a few of the most common herbal, homeopathic, and traditional methods that can be used to treat adult acne.

Adult Acne Products

Home Therapy: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar swabs and other astringent cleansers work to remove the oil buildup that may become blocked in the skin's glands. These products may cause dryness, itching, and redness, so be sure to use them only on problem areas.

Herbs: Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity and improve the overall condition of the skin. Echinacea and poke root are often used for their anti-inflammatory properties and red clover may be beneficial for its estrogenic action. Witch hazel has excellent astringent properties and may be very effective on adult acne.

Acupuncture: Stagnant of Chi in the channels of the face is said to be the cause of acne. Acupuncture performed on these points of the face may help relieve adult acne.

Surgery: In moderate to severe cases of acne, doctors may use surgery to open up the blemishes and remove blackheads and whiteheads. Unlike medication treatments, the effects of acne surgery are usually more immediate. And surgery is also effective in reducing the development and visibility of adult acne scars.

Cleaning the intestinal Tract: Acne can be a by-product of a filthy intestinal tract and colon. In most cases when the colon is clean the acne will go away. I recommend the intestinal cleanser Oxy-Powder.

Other remedies include the skin rejuvenation program including 4 products: Oxy-Skin, Oxy-Zap, Oxy-Powder and a strong Aloe Vera concentrate available at

Dr. Group is heads the research and development division at

About The Author

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit

Adult Acne Treatment – Simple Solutions
By: Kay Smith

Are you one of the millions of adults who have acne? Many adults are dealing with acne, the first signs of wrinkles and grey hair all at the same time - talk about physical and emotional tolls. Life just seems too unfair at times. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions for treating acne. Really. You don't have to live with it.

To properly treat acne, one must first understand what causes it. When hair follicles and sebaceous glands become inflamed acne follows soon after. Sebum is an oily substance made by the sebaceous glands. Bacterial growth and inflammation result when too much sebum is produced. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the four basic mechanisms contributing to acne are hormones, increased sebum production, changes inside hair follicles, and bacteria.

These simple solutions require persistence and consistency.

First things first, talk to a Dermatologist. A Dermatologist can provide you with the best solutions for you based on your medical history, age, skin type etc. Depending on the severity of your acne and your individual circumstances, your Dermatologist may want to prescribe an antibiotic, a vitamin A derivative like Isotretinoin, or one of the other acne drugs now available.

Use non-comedogenic products. Non-comedogenic basically means - not likely to block the pores of the skin, or cause blackheads or acne. There are many non-comedogenic products available today, including, makeup, foundation, moisturizers, sunscreen, lip stick, etc. If it's something that you apply to your skin you should be able to find a non-comedogenic version. In fact, you can also find non-comedogenic and medicated makeup with acne fighting ingredients like, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur. These products shouldn't clog your pores and should help treat acne.

Proper skin care is also very important. Gently washing with a facial cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or sulfur will also kill the bacteria that causes acne. Proactiv Solution is one such product that is used my millions of people - with great results. Whatever product you decide to use, do not scrub your face as this can irritate your skin and make your acne worse.

Even though there is no cure for acne, there are several effective methods available today to treat it. By discussing your acne with a Dermatologist you can determine the best course of action for you. In the mean time, keep your chin up - there are treatments available that will help you with your acne situation. Imagine waking up one morning and noticing how clear your face is becoming. It really is a great feeling!

About The Author

Kay Smith is the webmaster of which provides information, product reviews and news on acne and acne related products.

All Natural Acne Treatments
By: MD Stacener

At some point in your life you will probably suffer from acne. Almost everyone does. There has been a great deal of news about acne treatments recently with many claiming a combination of an acne prevention diet and some of the all natural acne treatments to be the answer. So you might want to try that route.

Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous gland. This is the gland in the skin that secretes an oily substance to the face, neck, and back mostly. If the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with this oily substance you get a zit or a pimple. And sometimes you get a lot of them.

There are many different forms of acne but acne vulgaris is the most common form in adolescents and young adults. The treatments are basically the same no matter what type of acne you have.

The actual cause of acne is still not really understood. Some believe it lies in genetics. Others believe it is a combination of factors such as androgens, allergies, stress, or the use of certain mediations. Natural practitioners tend to believe it is a result of nutritional deficiencies, and toxins in the body that can cause the liver to dysfunction.

The skin is the largest organ in our body and it eliminates toxic body waste through the pores when we sweat. If the body has more toxins than the liver or kidneys can discharge the skin takes over. Many doctors actually refer to the skin as the third kidney. When toxins discharge through the skin they can cause a disruption in the healthy skin and wella you have pimples.

Here are some simple tips to try to help reduce and eliminate your acne. Remember it can take up to 4 weeks to see a difference.

1. Always drink plenty - 8 glasses minimum and more is better. Water helps the body flush it self better and more efficiently.

2. Apply white vinegar to the face, neck, and back. Let is sit for 5 minutes then rinse off with warm water.

3. Use lemon as an exfoliate treatment to remove dead skin cells that clog the pours. Apply the lemon to the infected areas. Let dry for 10 minutes then rinse off with cool water. You might feel a bit of a burning sensation when you apply it. If you can't take it then dilute the lemon a little bit.

4. Eat a well balanced diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy foods such as greasy or fast foods whenever possible.

5. Take a good quality muli vitamin daily. As well add zinc supplements to your daily intake. Zinc has shown remarkable results in clearing acne.

6. Use Grape seed extract or Echinacea to help boost your immune system to better fight acne causing bacteria.

7. Use Dandelion or Burdock to detoxify your liver and kidneys.

8. Try a homeopathic remedy or an Ayurvedic treatment. Natural medicine is known to have tome remarkable results. That's because they think outside the box. Rather than treating the symptom which in this case is the zit, they treat the whole you and look for the underlying cause.

Acne can be annoying at best and devastating at worst. There is no reason to have to live with acne these days, no matter how bad it is. There are many treatment options available and if over the counter isn't working then seek the assistance of your doctor or dermatologist. Don't suffer any longer!

About The Author

MD Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at
posted by rizkhey wahyudi @ 9:56 AM  
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